Monday, May 18, 2009

Okay, exams are coming t an end.
we can do it!
hahaha. lol. :D

-Fariza wrote this-

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Good morning everyone.
Apparently, if you still haven't noticed, I cleared up the blog and it went through major construction and believe me, it was done in less than half an hour. I haven't been on Blogger much, eversince I moved on to Tumblr, but I'll try to keep myself updated with whatever's been going on. If I'm not wrong, we have to have our information at the sidebar, so I'm still trying to figure how to do so. But other than that... I think I just have to pass a to-do list for the new President that will replace me and of course, the other committee members to update this blog. It's been dead for quite sometime so I think it'd be good if there's a regular updater.

This is for those who thinks this blog is dead and that drama is uncool.

I'm gonna go to sleep now, because I have to be up super early, like at 4:30am later. And I know I've stepped down and all that, but hey, I still have the right to update this blog whenever I want. And I'll try to do that as much as possible unlike the past year where the blog had totally gone dead.

Peace. Love. Fangs up. Out.

Oh P.S. I will inform the juniors of this blog. I don't think many people know of this, which I think is kinda ridiculous. Happy Mid-Year-Examinations everyone.