Monday, March 10, 2008

IlovBrendonBoydUrie! ;D

Okay, hello world.
For some stupid reason, I cannot post my lovely Brendon up. D:
(stupid, sickening thingggg.)

So, remember the last drama meeting we had, I asked Mr Elias if he had watched Sweeney Todd and he told he watched the musical, yes but not the movie. Ah, then earlier today, I played Sweeney Todd the movie and watched it. The first part's interesting, but then comes the second part, where all the gruesome scene comes. It's truely not for the faint hearted. And seriously, Johnny Depp is one talented actor, and I lov him! Right, so then it got me thinking, how is it like to watch this movie as a musical in a theatre? Like, with all th gory scenes and blood, how do they do it? Goodness. Okay, but otherwise, I loved the movie. ;D

Anyway, here's something I wanna blabber about since, I've got nothing else in mind that's related to Drama or Theatre or Movies or whateverrr. Danny Noriega from American Idol 8 was ousted last week by America. Probably because of his bitchy attitude towards Simon, but hey, I loved the attitude! Anddd, he sings good, like Brendon Urie good. But obviously, Brendon's better(best). I loved him, seriously, and I'mma miss him alot. However, I'm rooting for David Archuleta & David Cook. Yes, them. (fariza probably screamed when she saw Archuleta's name) Let's see how they perform this week. (:

Oh yeah, it's 15 more days to Panic At The Disco's second album, Pretty. Odd. It's a new sound of Panic, no more of those cabaret-ish sound and they've got a brand new look! Jyeaaaah, Brendon's (lead singer) as hot as ever, and Ryan's (guitarist) getting fatter (which is good & bad at times). Oh and Spencer's (drummer) sprouting some facial hair and of course Jon (bassist) is improving his bass-ing. Have you caught Nine In The Afternoon on MTV & YouTube yet? If ya haven't, you'd better go check it out because they looked so happy for the fact that they are done with their new album! Yeaaaah.

I'm laughing alone. OMB.
At some ridiculously hilarious comments that Panic fans made at the gallery.
But what can I say, Panic themselves posed hilariously.
Especially JWalk & Brendon. Jokers, ha! :D

Santi from Urie's girlfriend.
(you know who!) xD

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