Oh yeah, say this is cute! :D
Credits: http://www.dance-to-this-beat.net/
Yes, I'm bored.
Tomorrow's Math Paper 1 for most of us and uh, gee, at least Combined Humanities are over. (wipes sweat off forehead) So, anywho, I'm gonna show off a chapter of my new fan fiction that I created over the past week when I couldn't concentrate on studying. And yeah, I don't think there are any profanities. I don't know if it's awesome, so I'm currently waiting for subscribers, readers and comments on the fan fiction website I mentioned. Oh yeah, just for the record, I asked Zulfiqar (our Zul) to go read my fan fictions and now, he's starting on one too. But I told him his first chapter suckzxzx and he needs to improve on his English because the audience aren't just Singaporeans but mostly Americans and British. :D
The cooling breeze of Chicago brushed my hair as I drove into Illinois to meet up a guy who PM-ed me online saying that he wanted to hire me as his band’s personal photographer. Driving on the road with the top down felt so great, especially since the weather’s been pretty awesome these past few days.
Long ago,
Just like the hearse you die to get in again,
We are so far from you.
Burning on, just like the match you strike to incinerate,
The lives of everyone you know.
And what’s the worst you take,
From every heart you break.
And like the blade you stain,
Well I’ve been holding on tonight.
What’s the worst that I can say,
Things are better if I stay,
So long and goodnight,
So long and goodnight.
I sang out loud, not caring if people on the streets could hear. I had a nice voice, I couldn’t deny so I needed to show off a little. The day had been awesome from the start. I would finally have a job as a photographer with a band, which means I get to see the world if they’d let me go on tour with them.
I glanced back down at the piece of Post-it that I had pasted on the compartment in the middle of the two seats. It read, 25 Hillgrove Avenue. That was the address I was given and that was where I was supposed to meet him in half an hour. Checking the address on my GPS, I made a right turn and I was already in Hillgrove Avenue. Driving at 15km/h, I scanned through the numbers next to the gates and came to an end abruptly. I stopped and up ahead was a huge mansion uphill and the gates were made of metal. I scrunched my forehead in confusion and checked my GPS. It showed the exact spot I was at. This is the Walker residence?!
I drove up and stopped next to the speaker which immediately put me on the line with the security guard. I wound down my window and took off my shades.
“Good afternoon ma’am, may I help you?” the voice in the speaker said. I looked up at the camera and then back at the speaker.
“Yeah, is this the Walker residence?”
“Yeap, who are you looking for?”
“A guy named Jonathan Walker?”
“Oh, he left 15 minutes ago, saying he needed to grab some takeaway for a visitor. He told me that if anyone looked for him, I’d have to let you in.”
“Okay, thanks. But will there be anyone in the house? I’ll feel uncomfortable if there ain’t anyone in the house to talk to me.” I laughed and the gates opened for me.
“No worries ma’am. Jon’s best friend, Ryan Ross, is inside. He’ll entertain you while you wait for Jon to come back.”
“Alright then, thanks!” I said, before pushing the handbrake down and driving into the mansion. The gates behind me closed with a loud creak and I turned up the volume of the song on radio. A certain song about closing the god damn door was playing. After settling the car on the driveway right in front of the entrance, I switched off the engine and got out of the car.
The mansion was like a palace, the only difference being that it was in a very peaceful and calm neighborhood. My jaw practically dropped at the very expensive sight of the inner house, and it looked like almost everything was made of gold. My eyes landed upon a thin looking boy with straight brown hair, the fringe covering his left eye and a little Mohawk stood at the top of his head. I gave him a smile who then returned me with one that warmed my heart and gave me a sense of belonging among these very expensive stuff.
I approached him and upon my arrival, he stuck out his hand, offering a handshake that I gladly accepted.
“Hi, I’m Ryan. Ryan Ross.” He introduced. I nodded and smiled.
“Hello there. I’m Monica. Williams.” I said, letting go of his grip and slipping both my hands into the front pockets of my white skinny jeans. Ryan invited me to the guest room and he got the maid to make some tea for the both of us.
“Williams ey? Are you related to Hayley Williams?” He asked with eyes as wide as the moon. I laughed for a second and wondered if I should lie. But if he’s famous, of course he’d know her, personally.
“Oh, yes. She’s my twin sister that just became huge.” I admitted at last, gaining a nod and a laugh from Ryan. “How’d you know her?”
“Her band, Paramore is in the same label as ours, so we’re pretty much, labelmates they say.” He answered. I spotted a tiny drop of sweat trickling down his temple. Why is he sweating in such a cold atmosphere?
“So you’re her infamous twin sister huh?” Ryan asked again, wiping the sweat off with the back of his palm and wiping it dry on his trousers. I nodded and grinned at the boy, now trembling like as if he’s nervous and scared I’d tie him up and rape him. I looked at him weird.
“Are… you okay Ryan?” I asked leaning forward, nearer to him. He nodded and smiled.
“Fine, perfectly fine.” He said and the maid returned with two cups on her tray. She placed one in front of me and the other in front of Ryan on the wooden table. “Here, have a drink.”
“Thanks.” I mumbled before taking a sip of the hot tea. Ryan was eyeing me, up and down like as if HE was raping me with his eyes. I cleared my throat which caused him to look back into my eyes.
Not long after, Jon came into the house with two other guys. Honestly, I didn’t know which Jon was. A guy in a blue tee, simple jeans and flip flops budged in first, saying hi before heading for the kitchen. Behind him was a boy with neatly cropped black hair and wearing a striped tee who looked happy when he came in and happier when he saw me. Tumbling into the house and tripping onto the little metal thing on the floor, another boy came in, this time his brown hair was long and he had some facial hair on. His sparkling blue eyes caught my attention and he blushed in embarrassment to see me staring at him. He gave me a nod and a smile that showed his teeth before following the striped tee guy in front of him. I turned and glanced at Ryan again, this time he was in Wonderland as he dozed off with Alice. His eyes were open, but they were fixed on me, on my eyes. I smiled at him, but he didn’t blink. So I snapped my fingers in front of him and it had woke him up.
“Honestly dude, you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine thanks. I’m gonna go help the guys.”
“Yeah, sure.” I said watching the boy with a perfect face leave the guest room and toward the kitchen on the other side of the house. He was pretty cute. I grinned to myself and shook my head.
Huhu, comment on the tagboard people.
I need to know how I fared.
And see if theres any way I could improve it. :D
"If they had a Victoria's Secret, I'd be found browsing around it. I'm not going to lie, I'm curious, alright!?" [when asked what store he'd be found in if locked in a mall] - Brendon Urie.
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