I love the aeroplane photo! 'Cause I snapped it at Changi on the last day of camp. xD
And booyah! Brendon's freakin' hot! (note: Because of Mr Matin, I'm using alot more 'Freakin'' in my sentences.)
I'm re-reading my old fan fiction and I realized how my writing had changed from then till now. Hahah, hold on. I shall post up a chapter of my masterpiece that's currently in progress. This is to show you people what I've been writing when I'm not doing anything. The whole story is published on Mibba.com and it has 137 readers, 29 subscribers, 55 'vonderful comments and 4 stars out of 10 which means it still can be improved. ;D
I can't find the perfect chapters without any vulgarities.
Hahah, sue me.
Anyway, you can read all about it if you're a Mibba member.
That Green Gentleman. <<< this is the link. (:
xoxo, Qistina.
BTW, there's no ELDS tomorrow.
Go greeeeeeeeeen, love greeeeeeeeeeeen! ;D
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