Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Dunearnite is just weeks away and yet we're still taking it lightly.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
This is Qistina posting and I have some special and delcious treats for all of you, in conjunction with Hari Raya Aidilfitri. My mum and I are selling M&M QUAKER OAT CHOC CHIP COOKIES at cheap prices. I can guarantee you that these cookies are fresh and delicious (considering it's my mum's cookies). For those who have been to my house during Raya and have tasted these cookies, you know how it tastes like and how it looks like. People that came to my house and tasted these cookies crave for more and within that short time span that they spent at my place, this particular type of cookies will always be finished first before others. SERIOUSLY SPEAKING!
For 50 pieces, I'm selling it at $15.
For 100 pieces however, I'm selling it at $27.
So I really hope you guys who read this will support us. If you have questions and whatnot, please do not hesitate to approach me. Oh and this applies to EVERYONE meaning Chinese, Malay, Indian, Ang Mohs, anyone can buy. Tell your mum, dad, sister, brother, cousins, friends, teachers, grandmother, grandfather and you know the rest.
Hurry! While stocks last!
(Literally. Order fast or you may not have the chance to taste this fine baking.)
With love,
Qistina Urie. :D
(Any queries, please approach me.
Or text-message/MSN me.)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Congratulations, you made me post up a Brendon Urie photo.
And I think he had his hair cut into something that's totally un-attractive.
I don't even know whether he did, or it was just the angle of the photo.
Anywho, I need photos of ELDS. Any photos that we took together or whatever. I'm planning on changing the top photo. Because yeah, it's kinda outdated. No offence. So uh, anyone please send me some photos, either thru' MSN or email. Thank you.
So the club committee had been chosen and I'm (officially) the President (NOTE THIS JOKO PRANAJAYA!), Vice President is Justin Tan and Secretary is Fariza Izyan. Right, I'm guessing that next year, I'm gonna be passing down my post to two Sec 3 SLs! Yay for Drama!
Updates on SOM.
Well, we all had our voice/sound recording at Toa Payoh last Saturday and it was almost done. I've got two songs pending to be recorded - The Sound Of Music and I Have Confidence. And I have not the slightest idea when will the next recording be. Tomorrow's rehearsal will be from 1230pm - 330pm and uh, meet at the concourse or what because I don't know if it will be at the hall as stated in the schedule or in the cabin. Friday's rehearsal is from 9am - 12pm. So yeah, no latecomers please.
In other news,
- I got a free spot for OBS Camp! Yessa, now I reaaaaaaally can't wait. It's from 1st Dec to 5th Dec. Well, I thought you guys should know about it. Hahha.
- Ramadhan (Fasting Month) has been going well for me. I hope it is for you other muslims there.
- My birthday is approaching. 23rd September so I hope people would give me some presents and what not. HAHA, wall face. (Muka Tembok)
- End-of-Years are approaching too. 25th September. Don't forget to mug your butts off during the holidays and after school. Set our targets straight. I wanna pass Chemistry damn well and History. Because both subjects are those that have been pulling down my combined results.
I NEED CO-BLOGUPDATERS! Oh my Brendon, please uh. I don't want to just see MY posts. People like Fariza who goes online almost everyday, Justin who always surfs YouTube and those Juniors should contribute in trying to update something here. BUT, possibly and preferably reted to ELDS and it's members. PLEASE AH!
xx Qistina Urie
Friday, August 1, 2008
Cops & Robbers.
There's no denial that we are lagging behind and not improving a single bit since months ago when we received the script for the Sound of Music. Mr Elias is currently very upset that we possess such awful behaviour especially towards an important musical that costs lots of money and time. If any of you, who wishes to skip meetings and rehearsals without a valid reason, please do inform the teachers and tell them you're not interested at all. We are at the risk of losing this whole musical just because of one or two constant absentees. I do not wish to say any names and embarrass anyone, but please, you know who you are and if you are willing to commit, then please attend the meetings and rehearsals on time.
Anyone who has tutorials and extra classes after school and it clashes with the rehearsal time, please inform the Drama teachers and they'll settle it for you. If the teachers do not want to release you from class, contact any one of the Drama Club members or me if you have my number and we'll inform Mdm Asrina, Mrs Lian or Ms Nas. Do not wait until you enter the cabin late and say your excuse for being late. You need to inform someone from ELDS a.s.a.p so they can help you be excused early from class.
For those who attended the rehearsals constantly, I thank you for being very responsible in attending it every week. Once you're there, you will please rehearse your lines and practise it with someone even before the teachers come in. The cabin will be opened early from 3.30pm so you have plenty of time to look through your lines. When Mr Elias is rehearsing with a group, the rest of you mustn't make any noise and watch the rehearsal. It's basic manners. Everyone must pay attention and be prepared when their lines are about to come. No one is to meddle with phones in one corner and not pay attention. If you want to rehearse a scene while another scene is going on, please do it outside the cabin. That way it will not distract anyone.
I strongly advise each one of you who has lines to keep rehearsing in front of the mirror and for those singing, to listen to the songs again and again to get the tune right. We mustn't make Mr Elias and anyone else upset and disappointed because this musical is a huge event for the school. I will talk to all of you about the rules in the cabin again at the next rehearsal before Mr Elias comes in.
In other news, Maria, Capt. Von Trapp and the Von Trapp children are to be prepared for the photoshoot for the publicity. Please listen to morning announcements from Monday onwards for any meetings and whatnot. Costumes have been received and will be tried on. Photoshoot date is still tentative.
Please do not forget to let your parents sign the consent forms for the rehearsal schedules. Any further clarifications, please contact me or any one of the teachers if you have their numbers. Forms will be collected on Monday.
Qistina Urie :D
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
That's Just The Way We Roll.
random, I know.
But hey, last night's dinner was fun,
although we didn't get to play Treasure Hunt.
And our table didn't win the Bingo game although we could've.
Ulin & Ashri were very bad people. *pouts*
Joko was like, "Awww, I wanna win!"
Then when Ms Ho told us that there's no treasure hunt,
Joko repeated it again and he looked like he was about to cry his lungs out.
LMAO, very funny.
And our table was crazy please.
Like, what the heck, playing 007 bang! and forfeit to drink the contaminated Shark's Fin soup.
In the end, all of us sabo-ed Joko and made him drink.
Just because he was the only guy at our table.
HAHAHAHA, sorry dude.
But for the fun of it. ;D
Thank you to Joko, Choi and Desmond for being the best seniors evaaaah.
We enjoyed the times spent with you guys and we hope you'll continue to be with us,
although you're not supposed to.
We wish you all, all the best for O's because we know you need it. *grins*
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
strike up the banddd!
We'll be choosing the committee members,
Sunday, June 22, 2008
TinaiknowwhereyouliveWalker. :D
Ok, so you see, tomorrow's the day where we all start over on a good note and tomorrow's also the day, where everyone's gonna start saying, "Tina! OMG, you are so darkkkkkkk!" Because Redang had affected me so much in a way that I had become so dark, I think I'm a Negro. *gasp* But nevermind though, it was worth my memory space in my noggin and worth the few hundred bucks. ;D
- Like last year, the trip was so much fun.
- There were more people in our group, like about 100.
- One of our ex-students from 4E3 last year joined us with his family.
- He just so happened to be one of my previous crushes. *gasp*
- Mastura Ahmad's family was there too, but she was in another group.
- Friday the 13th's bad luck wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
- But a series of unfortunate events did happen. D:
- I fell in love all over again with this super cute guy that I met last year during the trip.
- And I managed to get his name and number! :D :D
- I was more daring to snorkel alone and feed the fishies with bread.
- I still didn't get seasick! *celebrates!*
- My iPods didn't die at a bad timing!
- I didn't think about Brendon/Panic at all (unless bored)
- I didn't miss anyone in Singapore! *malicious laughter*
Makes sense?
Anyway, back to drama buzinezz. (sorry I love z's!)
We've got like only a few months left to practice, and I just remembered something. All actors must memorize their lines by the time school reopens. And the horrible thing is, I totally forgot about it so, yeah, I didn't memorize much except those that we've practiced alot. LOL. Okay, excuse me. (:
So, I'm out.
Santi peepz.
(I'm Ms TinaiknowwhereyouliveWalker. :D
In other words, I'm the new ELDS president,
right Joko? *hugs*)
Friday, June 6, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
William Beckett had his hair cut like Ryan Ross'! xD

The screenshot from Panic At The Disco's newest music video, That Green Gentleman.
And the second one is (from left) William Beckett, Gabe Saporta, Ryland Blackinton & Alex Suarez shot at WWE Raw. :D
(Gabe, Ryland & Alex are from Cobra Starship. William is the lead singer of The Academy Is...)
So I've been assigned (cheh, assigned eh? like going on one big mission, like that!) to do some advertising for the Dunearnite Auditions on the first day of post-exam. And I'm doing it with Fariza & Jannah. We're gonna be singing a song from the Sound of Music musical since we're gonna be doing that musical this year and then we'll insert some short speech about joining the auditions and trying out to 'star' in the musical. The details about when where and what time is unknown and unconfirmed so when I get the details, I'll post it up here.
And for the love of God!
This site needs to be updated and constantly on the roll.
And as far as I'm concerned,
I am the one active around here.
You know, even the tagboard is half-dead! (wth)
xx Urie.
Monday, May 5, 2008
4 Minutes :D

Oh yeah, say this is cute! :D
Yes, I'm bored.
Tomorrow's Math Paper 1 for most of us and uh, gee, at least Combined Humanities are over. (wipes sweat off forehead) So, anywho, I'm gonna show off a chapter of my new fan fiction that I created over the past week when I couldn't concentrate on studying. And yeah, I don't think there are any profanities. I don't know if it's awesome, so I'm currently waiting for subscribers, readers and comments on the fan fiction website I mentioned. Oh yeah, just for the record, I asked Zulfiqar (our Zul) to go read my fan fictions and now, he's starting on one too. But I told him his first chapter suckzxzx and he needs to improve on his English because the audience aren't just Singaporeans but mostly Americans and British. :D
The cooling breeze of Chicago brushed my hair as I drove into Illinois to meet up a guy who PM-ed me online saying that he wanted to hire me as his band’s personal photographer. Driving on the road with the top down felt so great, especially since the weather’s been pretty awesome these past few days.
Long ago,
Just like the hearse you die to get in again,
We are so far from you.
Burning on, just like the match you strike to incinerate,
The lives of everyone you know.
And what’s the worst you take,
From every heart you break.
And like the blade you stain,
Well I’ve been holding on tonight.
What’s the worst that I can say,
Things are better if I stay,
So long and goodnight,
So long and goodnight.
I sang out loud, not caring if people on the streets could hear. I had a nice voice, I couldn’t deny so I needed to show off a little. The day had been awesome from the start. I would finally have a job as a photographer with a band, which means I get to see the world if they’d let me go on tour with them.
I glanced back down at the piece of Post-it that I had pasted on the compartment in the middle of the two seats. It read, 25 Hillgrove Avenue. That was the address I was given and that was where I was supposed to meet him in half an hour. Checking the address on my GPS, I made a right turn and I was already in Hillgrove Avenue. Driving at 15km/h, I scanned through the numbers next to the gates and came to an end abruptly. I stopped and up ahead was a huge mansion uphill and the gates were made of metal. I scrunched my forehead in confusion and checked my GPS. It showed the exact spot I was at. This is the Walker residence?!
I drove up and stopped next to the speaker which immediately put me on the line with the security guard. I wound down my window and took off my shades.
“Good afternoon ma’am, may I help you?” the voice in the speaker said. I looked up at the camera and then back at the speaker.
“Yeah, is this the Walker residence?”
“Yeap, who are you looking for?”
“A guy named Jonathan Walker?”
“Oh, he left 15 minutes ago, saying he needed to grab some takeaway for a visitor. He told me that if anyone looked for him, I’d have to let you in.”
“Okay, thanks. But will there be anyone in the house? I’ll feel uncomfortable if there ain’t anyone in the house to talk to me.” I laughed and the gates opened for me.
“No worries ma’am. Jon’s best friend, Ryan Ross, is inside. He’ll entertain you while you wait for Jon to come back.”
“Alright then, thanks!” I said, before pushing the handbrake down and driving into the mansion. The gates behind me closed with a loud creak and I turned up the volume of the song on radio. A certain song about closing the god damn door was playing. After settling the car on the driveway right in front of the entrance, I switched off the engine and got out of the car.
The mansion was like a palace, the only difference being that it was in a very peaceful and calm neighborhood. My jaw practically dropped at the very expensive sight of the inner house, and it looked like almost everything was made of gold. My eyes landed upon a thin looking boy with straight brown hair, the fringe covering his left eye and a little Mohawk stood at the top of his head. I gave him a smile who then returned me with one that warmed my heart and gave me a sense of belonging among these very expensive stuff.
I approached him and upon my arrival, he stuck out his hand, offering a handshake that I gladly accepted.
“Hi, I’m Ryan. Ryan Ross.” He introduced. I nodded and smiled.
“Hello there. I’m Monica. Williams.” I said, letting go of his grip and slipping both my hands into the front pockets of my white skinny jeans. Ryan invited me to the guest room and he got the maid to make some tea for the both of us.
“Williams ey? Are you related to Hayley Williams?” He asked with eyes as wide as the moon. I laughed for a second and wondered if I should lie. But if he’s famous, of course he’d know her, personally.
“Oh, yes. She’s my twin sister that just became huge.” I admitted at last, gaining a nod and a laugh from Ryan. “How’d you know her?”
“Her band, Paramore is in the same label as ours, so we’re pretty much, labelmates they say.” He answered. I spotted a tiny drop of sweat trickling down his temple. Why is he sweating in such a cold atmosphere?
“So you’re her infamous twin sister huh?” Ryan asked again, wiping the sweat off with the back of his palm and wiping it dry on his trousers. I nodded and grinned at the boy, now trembling like as if he’s nervous and scared I’d tie him up and rape him. I looked at him weird.
“Are… you okay Ryan?” I asked leaning forward, nearer to him. He nodded and smiled.
“Fine, perfectly fine.” He said and the maid returned with two cups on her tray. She placed one in front of me and the other in front of Ryan on the wooden table. “Here, have a drink.”
“Thanks.” I mumbled before taking a sip of the hot tea. Ryan was eyeing me, up and down like as if HE was raping me with his eyes. I cleared my throat which caused him to look back into my eyes.
Not long after, Jon came into the house with two other guys. Honestly, I didn’t know which Jon was. A guy in a blue tee, simple jeans and flip flops budged in first, saying hi before heading for the kitchen. Behind him was a boy with neatly cropped black hair and wearing a striped tee who looked happy when he came in and happier when he saw me. Tumbling into the house and tripping onto the little metal thing on the floor, another boy came in, this time his brown hair was long and he had some facial hair on. His sparkling blue eyes caught my attention and he blushed in embarrassment to see me staring at him. He gave me a nod and a smile that showed his teeth before following the striped tee guy in front of him. I turned and glanced at Ryan again, this time he was in Wonderland as he dozed off with Alice. His eyes were open, but they were fixed on me, on my eyes. I smiled at him, but he didn’t blink. So I snapped my fingers in front of him and it had woke him up.
“Honestly dude, you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine thanks. I’m gonna go help the guys.”
“Yeah, sure.” I said watching the boy with a perfect face leave the guest room and toward the kitchen on the other side of the house. He was pretty cute. I grinned to myself and shook my head.
Huhu, comment on the tagboard people.
I need to know how I fared.
And see if theres any way I could improve it. :D
"If they had a Victoria's Secret, I'd be found browsing around it. I'm not going to lie, I'm curious, alright!?" [when asked what store he'd be found in if locked in a mall] - Brendon Urie.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
That Green Gentleman is called Brendon Urie.

I love the aeroplane photo! 'Cause I snapped it at Changi on the last day of camp. xD
And booyah! Brendon's freakin' hot! (note: Because of Mr Matin, I'm using alot more 'Freakin'' in my sentences.)
I'm re-reading my old fan fiction and I realized how my writing had changed from then till now. Hahah, hold on. I shall post up a chapter of my masterpiece that's currently in progress. This is to show you people what I've been writing when I'm not doing anything. The whole story is published on and it has 137 readers, 29 subscribers, 55 'vonderful comments and 4 stars out of 10 which means it still can be improved. ;D
I can't find the perfect chapters without any vulgarities.
Hahah, sue me.
Anyway, you can read all about it if you're a Mibba member.
That Green Gentleman. <<< this is the link. (:
xoxo, Qistina.
BTW, there's no ELDS tomorrow.
Go greeeeeeeeeen, love greeeeeeeeeeeen! ;D
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008
Dresden Dolls vs. Panic! At The Disco.
Greetingzxzx my fellow ELDS-mates! ;D
Eeeww, that sounds so fairytale-ish.
Anyway, the video I uploaded above is... very uncensored and I warn you before hand, it has bits of vulgarities. However, it has something to do with our play for the upcoming July. You know how we do it without talking and only describing the story with songs? Yeah, it's like that. So... there are like, the breaks between scenes to tell you what they are saying, so yeah, it's pretty cool. The song is called Backstabber by the Dresden Dolls and I reaaaaaaaaaaally think you should watch it, because it'll make you laugh and give you some idea of how the play will turn out to be. Oh and bee-tee-doubleyou, it's a Dresden Dolls vs. Panic! At The Disco battle. It's like, freaaaaaaakin' cool yo! (just like me!) Oh yeah, and NOTE Jon Walker's facial expression when he asked "What's a shell game?". HAHA, it was PRICELESS I tell ya! (laughs hysterically) And I love the last part, it's like freakin' awesome! :D
Aye, did ya guyzxzx see my new hairstyle today?! xD HAHA.
I look so much like a Minah Rocker.
Andddddd, please say I look like either Brendon Urie or Ryan Ross,
'cause I asked for a Ryan Ross hairstyle but it turned out to be like both their hairstyles.
I liked the fact that Adiel and Muslim called me Brendon.
Makes me feel so proud of my TWENTYONE year old boyfriend.
Ah, why am I ranting this here?
Ooooo-h the video just finished upload.
Anyway, I'll see you pretty people next meeting.
Neither will Shawn, Monica and Joko.
Are Desmond and Choi coming along? Kay, I don't know.
I'LL MISS YA SUGARPIES! You'll miss me loads. (:
(hugs and kisses before leaving for the three day camp)
xoxo, Qistina Urie.
p/s: I'm excited for camp and I will make Joko's life a horror. HAHAHHAHA, he's my LOVELY i/c! (insert sarcasm) Don't be naughty while I'm NOT around people! And keep in touch! TEXT ME TEXT ME! :D :D
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Jealous Orchard.

Oh sweet sugarbunnies of the ELDS club! :D
This is a very gentle reminder for those who attended last week's meeting.
If you have any songs related to the play that Mr Elias suggested for Assembly,
please do burn them into a CD or something so that he could listen to it tomorrow.
If you cannot remember what the play is like,
think of it this way:
Hero wakes up early morning.
Hero showers.
Hero goes outta house for work/school/fun.
Mona Lisa is at the museum.
Robber steals Mona Lisa.
Mona Lisa screams for help.
Hero hears the cries for help.
Hero & Robber in Star Wars.
Robber wins and art-nap Mona Lisa.
Hero practices kickboxing/wrestling/taekwondo.
Robber & Hero re-match.
Hero wins.
Mona Lisa & Hero live happily ever after?
You get the scoop.
I'll see you tomorrow.
xoxo, your secretary.
(ZOMG, next Wednesday's the Sec 3 camp and I'm in group 3! YAY JOKO! xD)
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Northern Downpour.

We're going into a whole new direction for our assembly play.
And I have a very good feeling about it, all thanks to Mr Elias. ;D
So, I told Ashri what we were gonna do for the Assembly, and I told him that we needed a choreographer to help choreograph some moves/dance for the Bollywood scene. He said he'll be glad to do it, but then again, he's got cheerleading like, every Wednesday also, which clashes with the Drama slot, so I have no idea how we're gonna have him back in the cabin with us again.
Guess what?
Tomorrow's the D'Gig auditions and it'll start at 9am. Our darling Jannah, had attended to me, seeking for help to choose a song and train her voice. And she'll be singing Crushcrushcrush by Paramore! Seeee, I'm sucha great senior, right Jannah? (grins widely) Let's all show our support for her alright? Come down if you have the time tomorrow and tell her, ELDS will always be behind her back! Jyeaaah.
(Oh yeah, I forgot about Shawn. All the best to you too, EMO. Remember, no SKINNY JEANS and no EYELINER. Hahahahaha!)
My goosebumps are up now, and I know why. (smiles cheekily)
No, not because of the Auditions, but because of something else. :D
Oh, I'm only coming down at around 1130 tomorrow, yeah for the Audis.
I think I'd better publish this before my computer switches off again without notice.
And it did it again, woah.
Monday, March 31, 2008
persident last few post!
Dear all ELDS ppl,
President post!! XP Everyone must finish the homework of at least 2 scenes cos' we do not have much time and I am stepping down very soon. So I will try as much as possible to finish the script before i step down. I will miss you guys.=D Always the best lot of ppl! Jus interact with each other and do not be shy and do not only talk among your comfort zone..expand it!XP You all are one team! One ELDS! Hope you guys work well to get a satisfying award for SYF 2008 nex year! Ok, back to HW. You may add any characters to make it better and add names to the father or modify Qistina's name.=P. Have fun. THERE WILL BE ELDS TRAINING THIS WEDNESDAY! DONT BE LATE.
(P.S: enjoy Yes We Can - Barack Obama Music Video )
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
IlovBrendonBoydUrie! ;D
For some stupid reason, I cannot post my lovely Brendon up. D:
(stupid, sickening thingggg.)
So, remember the last drama meeting we had, I asked Mr Elias if he had watched Sweeney Todd and he told he watched the musical, yes but not the movie. Ah, then earlier today, I played Sweeney Todd the movie and watched it. The first part's interesting, but then comes the second part, where all the gruesome scene comes. It's truely not for the faint hearted. And seriously, Johnny Depp is one talented actor, and I lov him! Right, so then it got me thinking, how is it like to watch this movie as a musical in a theatre? Like, with all th gory scenes and blood, how do they do it? Goodness. Okay, but otherwise, I loved the movie. ;D
Anyway, here's something I wanna blabber about since, I've got nothing else in mind that's related to Drama or Theatre or Movies or whateverrr. Danny Noriega from American Idol 8 was ousted last week by America. Probably because of his bitchy attitude towards Simon, but hey, I loved the attitude! Anddd, he sings good, like Brendon Urie good. But obviously, Brendon's better(best). I loved him, seriously, and I'mma miss him alot. However, I'm rooting for David Archuleta & David Cook. Yes, them. (fariza probably screamed when she saw Archuleta's name) Let's see how they perform this week. (:
Oh yeah, it's 15 more days to Panic At The Disco's second album, Pretty. Odd. It's a new sound of Panic, no more of those cabaret-ish sound and they've got a brand new look! Jyeaaaah, Brendon's (lead singer) as hot as ever, and Ryan's (guitarist) getting fatter (which is good & bad at times). Oh and Spencer's (drummer) sprouting some facial hair and of course Jon (bassist) is improving his bass-ing. Have you caught Nine In The Afternoon on MTV & YouTube yet? If ya haven't, you'd better go check it out because they looked so happy for the fact that they are done with their new album! Yeaaaah.
I'm laughing alone. OMB.
At some ridiculously hilarious comments that Panic fans made at the gallery.
But what can I say, Panic themselves posed hilariously.
Especially JWalk & Brendon. Jokers, ha! :D
Santi from Urie's girlfriend.
(you know who!) xD
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Update for Drama on 27.2.08
Joko told me to update him on what we did during Drama last week
What we did last week was that we talked about how it would be at the backstage
of a play . And we also sang some songs. I guess that's just what we did last week nothing much . If you think that we did more , pls edit this post for the sake of Joko Thanks . My memory is quite bad.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
well..sick days.
today im realli not well and OMG cough.
temperature of fever soaring up high.
-global warming.
hence im not goin for ELDS tomorrow and also not goin school unless of course i would feel much better by tomorrow morning.
possibly 50-50 chance of things happening.
anywaes all members do have fun and such.
update me too on tomorrow's activities.
(P.S: Thanks!)
Monday, February 25, 2008
One minute silence
it is utterly unfair we cant act for Dunearnite! ARGH. My sorrow will NEVER quench.
You don't know how disappointed we are to be abandoned like this on our final lap in the race.
i cant write enough to explain how i feel. I wish I could understand why i cant act. i know i have to study but my heart is wounded by the menacing sword that is thats too mild, that is pierced into my weary heart.
When i heard the news i was like.. "OK. lets leave. We've got no use here." and for a moment there, i was most ready to leave. Now, that is something very wrong because Choi is never the type to do that.
Now to me, drama will never be the same at DSS. i mean it.
(not feeling that drama-ish)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Cool Voice.
P.S The video is totally not doctored or lip-sing. Found it on Youtube.
Credits to Nick Pitera.javascript:void(0)
Save Now
Cool Voice.
P.S The video is totally not doctored or lip-sing. Found it on Youtube.
Credits to Nick
Friday, February 15, 2008
Nine In The Afternoon.

For me, and for my darling Fariza Beckett. ;D
This is random, since no one wants to update.
Happy Total Defence Day! (:
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Playtime for the young & rich.

Say her hair's gorgeous.
Okay, so if you're wondering, she's Paramore's lead singer, Hayley Williams and she's got one of the best voices around, especially for an 18-year-old. Go download or buy their CD. They pwn (besides TAI & Panic At The Disco)!
So how's your CNY?
I'm just staying home today, and tomorrow because my family and I are painting parts of the house. For today, we painted my room GREEN, and painted my brother's room Orange & Beige. Tomorrow, we'll be painting the living room and hall a Brown & Beige. So let's talk about the celebration yesterday, shall we?
I made a huge mistake and I felt so bad for Adam. I was the one that switched off the mic in the process of passing it to Adam. And he didn't check it. I too, forgot to tell him to switch it on. Again, I apologize ADAM ANG! :D (then he sings "it's too late, to apologize... it's too late..." okay, just kidding!) And Justin, please, you're on stage so ignore that guy that was pointing fingers okay? That ain't professional! HAHA.
I'm looking forward to the next ELDS meeting. (:
Kiddies, don't forget to do your homework okay?
SANTI! (it means, hello, goodbye, or thank you. whichever fits. don't ask what language it is, okay? i'm tired of telling & explaining to people.)
- Carden.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
i see CHEESE-y
nah. i just felt like writing a cheesy entry.
I totally CANNOT believe this is my last year. i remember when drama first reopened... This is something spontaneous so don't mind the errors.
Choi: (croaking like a granny) When i was your ageee...
(Audience laughs)
Choi: (Suddenly serious and perky-Ashley Tisdale style) NO. Seriously. That wasn't so long ago.. anyway.
(Goes back to granny mode) I Still remember that day.. when you were still nincompoops squirmin' about screamin' like jellies at the hopscotch grounds...
(Audience laughs)
Choi: (Suddenly serious and perky-Ashley Tisdale style) NO. Seriously. That wasn't so long ago.. anyway.
(Goes back to granny mode) That was when ah wuzz just a wee age of fourteen. I'll tell ya. That wuzzen long ago.Yah can say that again
A Boy: (obviously bored) OH Come on! i paid a dime for THIS?! Cut the crap lady!
Choi: (Still granny, spectacles threequart down the nose bridge, looks at the crowd) NOW WHO WUZ THAT OL' CHAP?! your momma din teach ya propa' manners ah see! C'mere boy. C'mere, let me see ya...
ok. lets stop here. i'm tired. I aint a grandma. dont blame me.
anyway, what i was trying to say was that i'm proud to see how drama expanded.(Side-tracked alot...) i was the only junior and the drama baby when Afiq, Viki, Hafiz, Archana, Girish, and Justin was around. I miss them-no doubt, but i know they taught me LOADS during our exercises and i wanna tell ya all i've learnt before i leave in July. Goodness i will miss ya Chickabidees (as Viki would have called me, and you.)
i love drama.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
last few days.
we done the challenge that was given by mr elias. challenge 1: shakehands with mr wong and ask intro ourselves to him. well most jr.s have done it but the seniors dont realli do the challenge cos' maybe mr wong is reallyyyyy BUSY.=P Then chalenge 2: to observe then act out how the person is...well without talking but i ended up talking myself hence it dont realli work out well; the challenge2. then everybody else was also acting verbally instead of only actions;P
after that we went on goin into groups and was assigned some roles. well im the CAT ;D. there are seven roles: cat, grandma, father, mother,daughter,daughter's boyfriend and ship captain. well the story background: this seven people is in a ship;titanic. then they are suppose to throw aboard someone cos there is only space for 6 people in the life boat. grandmother has a large fortune and already wrote a will that if she dies only the cat gets all the fortune. then daughter's boyfriend has a dark secret. then we are suppose to create a plot. it turned out well =).
till the next post.
regards, Joesko( note the pronunciation: joes-ko)
aka, joko
aka, president...last few days.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
SAY HI TO MR.WONG! and pls do the homework!
p.s Mdm. A won't be with us. she'll be on course. MIss her please.
Friday, January 25, 2008
as everything goes...
well I since guess its my first post here,i'd rather let some of my feelings out,
damn,i have been in like 5 CCAs already,just to name those i remember,"Sepak Takraw","Malay Dance",
"MRLC",i never managed to figure out how i convinced mr rani to change my CCAs...
well,then finally last year,mr rani approached me personally and told me to join "ELDS" he said i do well in the DRAMA GROUP,i was kinda reluctant at first....but then...This year, i finally joined "ELDS" now that im in one big group of potential performers,i feel kinda "belonged" and "satisfied",but the thing's thats bugging me is that i've only spent like...2days in "ELDS"? (YES,IM NOOB.)"
i really hope our drama society gets somewhere special in the incoming years...
reach for it////
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
To whom it may concern
aiya, what's with the formality?
Just wanna tell ya guys not to be late for tomorrow's Drama!
please sms Mdm. Asrina if you'll be late or something. or you can sms joko.
or me. call up every drama kid in school and remind them K?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
TAI TV Episode 14
Sleeping With Giants.

Seeing as no one updates this thanggg, I shall update and when I update, you know it's something related to what I love. (Uh, duh. I LOVE THE ACADEMY IS...!)
"Sleeping With Giants (Lifetime)"
I've noticed, people, they all have motives.
Different, yet all the same.
I fumble through every word that was spoken,
and I barely knew your name.
I'm tongue-tied, it runs through my blood and my insides;
Some things we can't escape.
But if we try, if we try, we can leave this behind.
It's been a lifetime, a lifetime we waited for.
A simple question, kid, "are you with me or not at all?"
Your eyes wide, always ahead of the curve type,
Quiet, and confident.
Oh, we stood there, awkward and youthful, we tangled;
A piece of my soul escaped.
Oh, we are restless and tired of sleeping with giants,
A modern mankind with their egos of fire and it seems like
It's been a lifetime, a lifetime we've waited for.
A simple question, kid, "are you with me or not at all?"
Are we wasting time or is it wasting us?
It's been a lifetime waiting for now, now.
Well, you've got to find a way,
you've got to find a way,
you've got to find a way,
you've got to find a way,
you've got to find a way before you fold.
It's been a lifetime, a lifetime I've been waiting for.
A simple question, kid, "are you with me or not at all?"
It's been a lifetime, a lifetime we waited for.
I need an answer, kid, you're either with me or not at all, no, no.
Are we wasting time or is it wasting us?
It's been a lifetime, a lifetime, a lifetime, lifetime, yeah.
Well, you've got to find a way,
you've got to find a way,
you've got to find a way,
you've got to find a way.
Son you've got to find a way,
you've got to find a way,
you've got to find a way before you fold.
I love this song.
I think the lyrics are nice, though I don't know what it means.
Try to figure. Hmm.
See yall in the next meeting! (: